For garden design consultations, please CONTACT ME at
Garden Design Consultations. Interested in changing or upgrading your current garden landscape or perhaps learning a new technique? I can help! Learn how to assemble different plants for a stunning show through color and/or textures, learn how to pull herbs together into containers or a garden bed for the best results, learn how to make your garden “deer-resistant”, and learn how to build water gardens — the list is endless. If you are limited on time, I can do it all for you, or come up with a design that you can implement at your leisure.

Since I started designing gardens, I’ve completed dozens of designs that have been implemented by my clients and a few that I’ve completed for them. Additionally, I provide basic and advanced techiques in the areas of flower and herb gardening. My favorite water gardening is another very popular offering. In addition to garden and landscape designs, I’ve designed well over 30 water gardens for my clients’ enjoyment.

For more information on my design offerings and fees, feel free to contact me via email at A Gardener’s Delight to discuss a garden design consultation. For a fast response, message me on Facebook: A Gardener’s Delight
For those in the Northern Virginia area, I can visit with you in-person. If you are located outside of Northern Virginia, I can work with you virtually via phone, video chat or other online communications.

Hope you have enjoyed viewing some of my projects! Again, you can contact me via email at A Gardener’s Delight for a garden design consultation. For a fast response, send a message to me on Facebook: A Gardener’s Delight.