Gardening gadgets are cool items that can help the gardener with certain tasks and chores or may serve as a watchdog for the garden.
Keep checking back as this page will be updated with new cool items.
Check out this cool ZOMBIE garden art from Gardener’s Supply Company.
One of my favorite gadgets keeps the deer away so they can’t browse my plants!
This garden protection device makes your nocturnal animal intruders think they’ve been discovered by a predator with its red blinking eye…. Set up several around your landscape to scare away the deer and other garden munchers.
Check out this motorized bulb planter from Gardener’s Supply:
I love these composters from Gardener’s Supply. Click on the image for more information:
I hesitated putting this item in the “gadgets” section since every gardener should have one — yet not everyone wants to test their own soil. You can with this kit:
Get yourself some HERB SCISSORS to quickly mince your herbs for cooking. The scissors have several blades and work great:
A wireless indoor/outdoor almanac thermometer is a cool gadget to have!
Here’s a cool pocket-sized weather forecaster:
My outdoor weather station was one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. It forecasts the weather, measures rainfall and temperatures, and also tracks wind speed. I don’t know if I could live without one since I use it daily!
For those on more of a budget, here’s a less expensive outdoor option than just looking up at the sky:
Here are some cool nozzles for your garden hose:
Rain Barrels are great for collecting rainwater to water plants. Rainwater has a more neutral pH than some groundwater.
Love this ergonomic snow shovel!