Super Cool Garden Insects!

A super cool-looking Butternut Wooly Worm that I found with three other friends in my garden! (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)

Recently, I’ve noticed a lot of pretty cool-looking insects in my garden landscape.

I think this insect below is pretty decorative. It’s a white, gold and black caterpillar that is all shiny and appears to be “dressed” formally for an evening out! Doing a little research, I found out it is a Milkweed “Tussock Moth” Caterpillar.

This insect was shiny white and gold and black and furry!  (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)
This insect was shiny white and gold and black and furry! (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)

The female Hercules beetle is quite large — this one was 2.5 inches long. I found the beetle (in the below photo) stranded on her back on morning and thought she was dead. She wasn’t. I turned her over, and within about 5 minutes, she had wandered off on her way.

A female Hercules beetle is about three inches long.  Must be why it's called Hercules!  (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)
A female Hercules beetle is about three inches long. Must be why it’s called Hercules! (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)

When I first saw this bug, along with several of its “friends”, I thought it was a tuft of cotton! Its white tendrils were blowing in the breeze. Kind of reminded me of a mop, too. It’s a Butternut Wooly Worm!

A super cool-looking Butternut Wooly Worm that I found with three other friends in my garden!  (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)
A super cool-looking Butternut Wooly Worm that I found with three other friends in my garden! (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)

And one of my favorite beneficial insects in the garden is the Praying Mantis. This one below is brown and was moving around in the grasses. It kept looking up at me and moving its triangular head around. Pretty neat! Although as a side note, I found out recently that the green Praying Mantis is not native to the US and not beneficial as it can trap and kill a hummingbird!

Brown Praying Mantis on liriope in the pachysandra! (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)
Brown Praying Mantis on liriope in the pachysandra! (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)

This female Broad-Necked Root Borer Beetle is a scary-looking insect. Just look at that egg depositor on her posterior!

Female Broad-Necked Root Borer Beetle in my backyard (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)
Female Broad-Necked Root Borer Beetle in my backyard (Photo Credit: Adroit Ideals)

What cool garden insects are you seeing in your landscape?


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About The Gardener 65 Articles
An avid gardener and owner of this site.

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